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Steven Brashear

Kyle Jones

Jason Tope


In Loving Memory of Steven Brashear

December 12, 1984--September 16, 2001

God took you from this place.
Because he wanted to see your smiling face;
He has taken you by the hand,
And led you to his promise land.
As I sit here and look at the moon,
I feel as though your time came too soon.
I know your in heaven where you can see.
That everyone here is mourning for thee'.
Upset and devestated is how we are.
Some of us are scared to even get in a car.
As we sit here now,
We wonder how.
Howcome God took someone as sweet as you.
I am glad i can say i knew,
How you truly were as a friend.
And i know i will see you again in the end.
The loss of your friendship is a toll a lot of us will pay,
But we all know we will see you again someday.

~!Chrystalynn M. Creasy!~

"On September 16, 2001, I lost a part of my family. Steven Brashear was the truest and most respected friend that anyone could ever have. He will always be in my heart." Love Always, Jason Tope
"He is one of the nicest and sweetest guys I know. He will be greatly missed" ~Heather Robey~

"Spike was a funny, easy to get along wit guy. One of the greatest guys you could ever hang around. I mean u'll always be my boy man. RIP" ~Twan~
"You'll always be remember in my mind. Pirates forever!" ~Katy Blakey~

"Steven, You were always a bright one and you always had that lil smirk on your face thanks for all the good times and u will always be part of me" ~Lauren Daniels~
"Steven was a character of his own, and that no body can replace him but we will always miss him."
~Joseph Baldwin~

"Friendships are only as good as you let them be. From each friendship you learn, you grow and you change. Steven is a part of a lot of us because of that. He's watching, and smiling, and waiting. We'll see him. Eventually, we'll see him." ~Lindsey Campbell~
"God was in need for a good person when he chose Steven to join him, he never had a bad word to say about anybody, I wasnt around him as much as everybody else on here, but he never hesitated to ask me how I was doing when he seen me, and i'll always remember him with a smile on his face."

Steven was the Tarheels #1 Fan and he will always be #13 in our hearts!!

"If there is one reason why I dont want to live forever, it so I can be with him again. I want to hear him say "DEEZ!" , I want to listen to him explain to me that my batting average will get better, and so I can see the smile that was always on his face. I have never lost someone as close as him, and I miss him, but I know he's so much better. There will never be a day I wont think about him."
~Zach Dees~