
The Squares

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To My Peeps

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Steven Brashear

Kyle Jones

Jason Tope


~*!Shout Outs To My Friends!*~

Lawrence Smith (u are definately my boy!!)

Jasmeka Thatch (You are one I really listen to & look up 2!!)

Antoine Luster (your my brother whats left to say except 4 BE NICE =)!!)

Cooper Jackson (you know ur my boy!!)

Sarah Vandever (Thanks for always being there for me!!)

Jake Baehr (You're such a sweetheart & so is your girlfriend, I'm glad you 2 are together b/c you both deserve the best and you got it!!)

Shanika McFarland (we gonna end up in trouble)

Sarah Newingham (there ain't much to say but damn you crazy)

Matt Snider (stay sweet boy)

Grape (I'm glad we've became friends over the past year!!)

To the basketball teams, you all know I have much love for you all otherwise I wouldn't have been there since day 1 for you all!!!

To all my peeps i ain't have time to mention don't think i 4got about ya!! You know i still love ya!!

As you can see I am very fortunate to have so many great friends I would do anything in the world for these peeps!!There is no way that I could ever repay them and I thank God every night for making them a part of my life!! I only wish the best for all of you!!