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Steven Brashear

Kyle Jones

Jason Tope


Jason Lee Tope

January 19, 1985-November 9, 2002
To someone in which I hold close to my heart,
Jason you mean so much to me, I know you know you always had a special place in my heart! I am just upset that you had to leave us. You were a great guy, otherwise you never would have been my best friend for so long! You were the first guy I ever "went with" or even kissed, I am lucky that i got to know such a sweet, caring, loving, as well as honest person and was able to consider them my friend! I will never forget all the wonderful times we spent together! Like the switch off in 5th grade, or the dance parties in junior high,or even the parties in high school,working on the floats for homecoming, and most of all Great Books-I have to admit we had some good conversations in there and also naps! You chose the right book on Wednesday (November 6,2002) "Fallen Angels", little did any of us know you would be the next one to enter heaven with the rest of the angels!! You know you will always be here in my heart and above us watching down, but baby I promise I'm going to keep my eye on your fam' and friends, and make sure we all stay strong for ya and each other!! I've loved you since we were young and I will love you until eternity, where we can be together again! I love you! "L-town Thugs" Forever!! RIP baby boy!